|  +255757239390  |  Moshi, Kilimanjaro.

Moshi, Kilimanjaro

Below are Terms and Conditions acting as the agreement of booking tours with African Delight Safari. We urge you to read carefully before doing any booking so you can be aware of the operating modalities.


By booking a trip with us, you are deemed to have agreed to these Booking Conditions (which constitute the entire agreement between you and us), and we will accept your booking on that basis. The services that will be provided are those listed on your booking confirmation invoice.


    The reservation is only valid after we send you the booking confirmation.

    3. PRICES

    All information and prices quoted, on our website or in brochure and subsequent invoice are correct at time of writing. Changes may occur beyond our control due to a number of factors including a lack of availability, currency fluctuations, government tax/fees, tour content, and standards of service, airfares and airline schedules.

    African Delight Safari will notify you of any changes prior to you paying a deposit and prior to your final payment. Should a tour price increase after a deposit has been received due to circumstance beyond our control, then any increases up until the date of departure are to be paid by the client.

    If such increases are unacceptable the client may cancel their booking but are still liable to pay any cancellation charges.

    African Delight Safaris is under no obligation to give breakdown costs involved in any tour packages.

    4. BOOKING

    We will create a tailor-made holiday to suit your personal requirements. There will be a binding contract in respect of your booking when we receive payment of your deposit and for bookings made less than 30 days before your departure date when we receive payment in full. 

    The clients/ party organizer/group leader accepts these terms and conditions on behalf of each member of the booking party and is liable for making full payment in respect of each member of the booking party (including anyone added or substituted at a later stage).

    – Deposit

    The price quoted in a deposit invoice can be accepted by making the specified initial payments within 7 days; beyond 7 days we reserve the right to vary the price of your booking and there shall be no binding contract until the deposit has been paid.

    The initial payments will comprise:

    (a) A deposit representing a percentage (usually 25% unless particular elements of your trip require a higher deposit) of the total price of your booking, plus

    (b) Any additional payments payable up front (for example but without limitation in respect of gorilla permits or international flights).

    – Balance Payment

    Full payment of the balance due must be made 30 days before your departure date. (For bookings made less than 30 days before your departure date, we require payment in full.)  If full payment is not received by the due date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking, retain the deposit, and apply a cancellation charge as set out in paragraph 5.  In such circumstances we will have no further liability to you.

    Balance to be paid in cash upon arrival can be negotiated by the sales staff of African Delight Safari & the client(s), in this case the balance is to be paid fully in USD currency only.

    Please note: USD notes below 2006 are not accepted in Tanzania.


    You may cancel your booking at any time by notice to us in writing (including email), which will take effect immediately upon receipt. Any additional payments payable up front (for example in respect of gorilla payments or international flights) are non-refundable and will be forfeited.  In addition, cancellation charges are payable on a sliding scale as a percentage of the total price of your booking (excluding the additional payments) depending on when you cancel, in accordance with the following table:

    Period from written cancellation to the departure date                Cancellation charge – percentage of total price

    More than 120 days                                                                                      Free

    Between 91 and 120 days                                                                          Deposit Only

    61 to 90 days                                                                                                    20%

    31 to 60 days                                                                                                    40%

    30 to 14 days                                                                                                    70%

    14 days and below/ No show                                                                   100%

    NB: You may be able to recover a proportion of these charges under your travel insurance and we will be happy to provide you with a cancellation invoice for these purposes.


    In circumstances beyond African Delight Safaris’ control such as war, terrorism, hostilities, riots or political unrest (or the threat of any of these), industrial disputes, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions or the withdrawal of (or significant interference with) travel or accommodation facilities, it may be necessary for African Delight Safari to cancel the client’s booking. In such circumstances, African Delight Safaris will notify the client of the cancellation as soon as practicable. African Delight Safaris s will then offer the client a similar tour in the future, but if that is not acceptable to the client, African Delight Safaris will refund all or part of the monies paid by the client.

    African Delight Safari shall not be liable for any claims or if any additional expenses incurred through delays, accidents, or disruption of planned itineraries beyond the control (e.g. flight delays, wars, strikes, weather, act of God, etc.), and such expenses (e.g. hotels, meals, telephone calls, flight tickets etc.) are to be borne by the client.


    We make every effort to accommodate medical conditions and disabilities.  Full details of any medical conditions or disabilities affecting any member of your booking party must be given to us in writing before your booking is confirmed, in order to enable us to advise you appropriately and to make any necessary arrangements. 

    We reserve the right to cancel a booking if we become aware of any such matters which were not notified to us in advance if we feel it is necessary to do so. We cannot accept liability in respect of any issues arising from any such matters not notified to us before your booking is confirmed.


    Please note that individual travel insurance is not included in the tour price and all medical costs and other costs involved must be paid by the client. It is therefore strongly recommended that clients take out personal insurance.

    African Delight Safari does not undertake to provide medical care (except to call in the flying doctors transfer service) and the Company will not will not accept responsibility for loss of deposit or full payment, loss or damage to baggage and personal items including camera equipment, personal injury and illness, medical expenses and/or cancellation of your trip or flight.


    It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that passports and visas are valid for the countries visited. African Delight Safari and staff cannot be held liable for any visas, etc. not held by the guests, or the cost of visas.

    We do not accept responsibility for any consequences whatsoever from a traveler failing to ensure that he or she has complied with the necessary health, passport and visa requirements.

    10. DISPUTES

    If you have any cause of complaints while traveling, you must immediately bring it to the attention African Delight Safari.

    The client agrees to inform the head guide or other designated African Delight Safaris representative at the earliest opportunity. African Delight Safaris assumes no liability for complaints that are not properly brought to the attention African Delight Safaris with sufficient notice for Pukka Adventures to resolve or attempt to resolve any client complaints. Any complaint made after the completion of a tour must be received in writing by African Delight Safaris within 30 days of the end of the tour in question.


    Please be aware that our tours may take you into close contact with wild animals. Attacks by wild animals are extremely rare, but no safari into the African wilderness can guarantee that this will not occur. Please listen to the advice given (by your guide or at the accommodation) at all times.

    Neither African Delight Safari nor their employees can be held responsible for any injury or incident on a tour. Please note that most safari camps / lodges are not fenced.

    DO NOT leave children unattended at any time. Do not feed any wild animals / birds or leave food around.


    African Delight Safari reserves the right to use any photographs / videos taken during the safari for marketing purposes. However, you retain the right to use the photographs/ videos though African Delight Safari retains copyright authority. Any use of imagery will be communicated to you and appeal or objection from your part will be considered by African Delight Safari.


    African Delight Safari shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any luggage or equipment carried while on tour. All participants are advised to take out an insurance policy to cover personal accidents, medical expenses and loss of your baggage. In case of vehicle/equipment damage or other failures occur during the safari and African Delight Safari replaces the vehicle/equipment in reasonable time. There will be no refund given from the price.

    The customer is responsible for organizing transportation if not included in the price quoted for the booked program. The customer is responsible for arriving at the specified time and place in good time.

    African Delight Safari must be advised in writing of any special requests, such as dietary needs food or other allergies when you submit your reservation. This will ensure that our arrangements are to your satisfaction. African Delight Safari will attempt to meet any such requests, whenever possible but cannot guarantee them. Certain special requests may require procurement costs, which will be charged to your account. Any such charges will be communicated to you at the earliest opportunity.

    Requests for other than English speaking guides, such as German, French, Spanish or any other must be made with notice before booking. Such requests may require an additional cost.

    African Delight Safari reserves the right to decline and to accept anyone on a safari. The company reserves the right to remove from the safari, at his or her sole expense, anyone whose condition is such that he or she could create a hazard to him/her or others, or otherwise impacts the overall experience & enjoyment of other passengers on the safari.

    Our safaris and/or mountain climbs involve traveling in some of the more remote areas of East Africa where wild animals such as elephant, buffalo, hippo, lion, leopard, hyena, crocodile and other reptiles roam. Many services common in your home area (such as communications; telephones; medical assistance; evacuation in the face of danger, illness or injury; ground, water or air transport etc.) may be unavailable or provided at a lower standard than that available to you in your home country.

    The standard of roads, for example, can be such that travel is impossible during or after heavy rain or floods. In many areas it is not possible for an aircraft to land at an airstrip at night, even in a medical emergency.

    When it comes to wildlife viewing, please be advised there are no guarantees by African Delight Safari that our client will be able to view 100% of all the animal and bird species found in Tanzania.

    14. THE LAW

    The above Terms and Conditions together with all correspondences,  form part of your contract with African Delight Safari

    This contract and any matters arising from it shall be governed try and interpreted in accordance with United Republic of Tanzania laws and the courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any and all proceeding between us either relating to our contract or arising out of it.

    15. PROBLEMS

    If you have any problems or concerns during your contact us through:

    Email 1(, Email 2 ( plus Mobile (+255757239390) and we will attempt to resolve your issues as quickly as possible.