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Moshi, Kilimanjaro


Kilimanjaro Travel Insurance – Do I Need it?

Climbing Kilimanjaro is an incredible and exciting adventure and while the trek is not technical, hiking at high altitude in a wilderness environment inevitably comes with risks

Due to the high altitude, remote location, and demanding conditions of a Kilimanjaro trek, travel insurance is compulsory for all participants. Anyone taking part in a Kilimanjaro climb will be required to show proof of insurance before the start of the trek.

Travel insurance typically also covers lost or delayed baggage, flight delays, and other events that can impact your trip. We, therefore, consider it imperative for Kilimanjaro trekkers to take out appropriate travel insurance.


Choosing insurance for climbing Kilimanjaro

When you take part in adventure activities, you may need specialized insurance. Your travel insurance will need to cover medical expenses that could arise while traveling abroad. In the case of a Kilimanjaro climb, you’ll need to make sure that it covers you for medical evacuation too.

Unexpected injuries and doctor visits need to be covered, and emergency evacuation expenses should you need to be airlifted off the mountain. Those situations are rare, but they do occur and you need the proper insurance.

When purchasing travel insurance, it is important you understand exactly what it does, and doesn’t cover. Most basic plans will offer basic protection for trip cancellation, lost bags, and delayed flights. However, if you need coverage beyond that (medical expenses, evacuation, etc.) then you’ll likely have to purchase a higher-tier policy.

It’s important that whatever policy you choose also covers high altitude activities. That isn’t the case with every insurance plan, so be sure to ask for it specifically. For climbing Kilimanjaro, explain to your insurance company that you are not taking part in technical mountaineering, but that you are high altitude trekking up to 6,000m.

Which Travel Insurance Provider should you book with??

The following is a list of companies that offer insurance for Kilimanjaro. Note that these often change. One week a company offers insurance for Kilimanjaro, the next week it doesn’t.


Companies currently offering insurance for Kilimanjaro

  • The British Mountaineering Council You will need to join the BMC to claim insurance from them, but the insurance is cheap (This includes discounts in many outdoor/camping and trekking shops. Insurance for Kilimanjaro currently comes under their ‘Alpine & Ski’ cover)

Disclaimer: we are not insurance experts. We do not give insurance advice, please consider your own situation carefully when you purchase insurance.

Key Considerations for Kilimanjaro Travel Insurance

  • Deductible Amount: What is the deductible (excess) you’ll need to pay if you file a claim on your Kilimanjaro travel insurance?
  • Immediate Payment Options: Does your insurance provider cover hospital bills and other costs upfront while you’re in Tanzania, or do you need to pay first and seek reimbursement later?
  • Claim Filing Time and Requirements: How soon must you file a claim, and what documentation will be required (e.g., hospital bills, police reports)?
  • Mountain Rescue Coverage: Does your policy include mountain rescue services, such as helicopter evacuation?


While it’s beneficial to have insurance that includes helicopter rescue, it’s important to note that helicopter services on Kilimanjaro have limitations. Helicopters can only reach certain altitudes, and landings on the Kibo summit aren’t possible. Additionally, response times can be lengthy—up to 4 hours or more—due to logistical challenges and payment guarantees. In some cases, by the time the helicopter arrives, descending to a lower altitude by foot or stretcher may already be the safer or faster option.

Having helicopter rescue coverage is a valuable safety net, but it doesn’t ensure survival in every situation. If covering this cost would be difficult for you, securing insurance that includes this service becomes even more crucial

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