|  +255757239390  |  Moshi, Kilimanjaro.

Moshi, Kilimanjaro

Moshi Day Trips

MOSHI TOWN - Excursion Central

A small, thriving town called Moshi can be found in the gentle slopes of the magnificent Mt. Kilimanjaro. It serves as the customary starting place for those daring enough to climb Kilimanjaro, but Moshi is significantly more than just hiking. Although the majestic splendor of Kilimanjaro is always visible in the distance, it has a personality and energy all its own. It is worth exploring for its natural attractions, busy markets, and the daily life of its Chagga locals.

There are many cultural attractions in the area, including the nomadic Maasai tribes and their remote settlements, the Chagga people, who are the custodians of Kilimanjaro, and their coffee farms, where you can learn how coffee is grown, harvested, and roasted and even have the chance to make your own.

Additionally, you can select between Lake Chala and the Chemka Hot Springs (or choose both! ), if you’re looking for absolute peace and relaxation. Lake Chala is peace itself, only a short drive from Moshi. A crater lake near the Kenyan border, it’s a quiet, romantic place for a leisurely stroll around the lake or for a quick trip to the serene shoreline for a swim in the clear waters.

Chemka Hot Springs are geothermal heated waters surrounded by a lush green forest that surge up into clear, blue pools that are a small taste of paradise. African Delight Safaris Moshi day trips are well created in collaboration with the local people of each respective destination so as to make your trip authentic and memorable for your lifetime unforgettable experiences