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Moshi, Kilimanjaro

What We Can Learn From the Hadzabe

The Hadzabe are an indigenous tribe that lives around Lake Eyasi in Tanzania. They are one of the last remaining hunter-gatherers in the world, and only about a thousand of them remain today. In the Lake Eyasi area in Tanzania, about 300-400 tribe members still live a true nomadic lifestyle. They speak Hadzane, a unique […]

Safari with kids in Tanzania

kids enjoying a barbecue with a maasai warrior

If you have kids, you have surely looked at some picture books with African animals at some point. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see these animals in their natural habitat? Not only your little ones are dreaming about that, but probably also you, right? 😉 However, going to Tanzania on a safari with your kids […]

Responsible Tourism in Tanzania

an elephant with Mt. kilimanjaro in the background

We love Africa – its animals, its nature and its people. That’s why we want to protect this wonderful continent by all means. At the same time, we want as many people as possible to see the wonders of Tanzania with their own eyes. So let’s be clear: responsible tourism is very important to us. […]